Rating System

1 - don't waste valuable beer calories on me
2 - tasty, walter approves
3 - so good you should have it for breakfast

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Black IPA v.2

5 gallon extract

8 oz Victory
8 oz Caramel 80L
3 oz Chocolate Wheat
4 oz Chocolate Malt

3.3 lbs dark LME
3.3 lbs amber LME
1 lb amber DME

1 oz Cascade @ 5.3% AA (60 min.)
1 oz Columbus @ 13.4% AA (15 min.)
1 oz Chinook @ 14.3% AA (10 min.)

WLP 041 Pacific Ale Yeast

Pitched 11/4/2017 OG 1.060
Kegged 12/26/17 SG 1.020

Notes: this had a stronger starting gravity, and looks like it's a little stronger on the hop front (due to variations in the AA values of the hops harvest), so we'll see how it turns out.

Not for the first time, we didn't go through a darker beer very quickly -- thinking we should brew IPA/single-hop pale ale type beers more or less exclusively for on-tap service given how the other styles linger in the keg.