Although 2020 summer was very hot and dry (record hottest summer ever and drought conditions in September), or maybe because of, the harvest was robust at 11 oz. A review of past hop harvest show the record at 15 oz in 2011 and next highest 12 in 2010. Still 11 is a very goog harvest and way above recent years.
Base Malts
Munich Malt Extract Syrup 6.30 pounds
Spray Dry Malt Extract: Plain Amber Color 8 1 pound
Specialty Grains
Briess Chocolate 8 oz
Belgian Special B 8 oz
Briess Victory 8 oz
English Medium Crystal 8 oz
Hops (all Sunnycroft fresh picked)
4 oz 60 min
2 oz 10 min
2 oz flame out for 20 min
Yeast: Safale S-05
Brewed 9/20/2020