Rating System

1 - don't waste valuable beer calories on me
2 - tasty, walter approves
3 - so good you should have it for breakfast

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Cider Weekend 2017

Transferred 5 gallon for Gareth to keg

Transferred 5 Gallons for Russ to carboy and pitched the Mother for apple cider vinegar.

Made 18 gallon from Sunnycroft, Winnie's, and Gass fields.

     5 for Gareth pitched with White Labs English Cider Yeast.
          1/14/2018  Transferred cider to secondary
               2.5 gallons mixed with 1 pound honey, 1 ground orange peel, 3 T ginger, 1/2 t amylase, 1/2 package of rasberries.
               2.5 gallons left plain.
          6/4/2018  Bottled,  primed with total of 3.8 oz of dextrose split between both 2.5 gallon batches.

     5 for Mark pitched with Safcider.

Unseasonably warm with temps in mid 70's.  Hornets all over, Gareth was stung twice.

Sunnycroft apples very diseased with apple maggot fly.

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