Rating System

1 - don't waste valuable beer calories on me
2 - tasty, walter approves
3 - so good you should have it for breakfast

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Belgian Pale Ale

Belgian Pale Ale
(10 gallons)

20 lbs german pilsner malt
16 oz caramunich
4 oz chocolate malt
4 oz crystal (60 min) (substituted Mt Hood, Liberty, or Hallertaur??)
2 oz tettnang (30 min)
2 oz tettnang (10 min)
1 oz tettnang (end of boil)
1 oz crystal (end of boil) (substituted Mt Hood, Liberty, or Hallertaur??)

WLP540 Abbey IV Ale
WLP575 Belgian Style Ale blend

Infusion mash at 150 for 90 min
90 min boil

1.052 OG on 5/19
1.030 secondary on 5/23
1.022 keg on 6/4

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