Rating System

1 - don't waste valuable beer calories on me
2 - tasty, walter approves
3 - so good you should have it for breakfast

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Saison v4
(5 gallons)

12 lb german pilsner
2 lb wheat
2 t gypsum

1 oz kent golding (60 min)
1 oz kent golding (15 min)
1/3 oz styrian (2 min)

step mash 115 to 165 over 100 min

WLP565 saison

1.065 OG on 3/4
1.025 secondary on 3/10
1.024 keg on 3/25

1 comment:

MAF said...

Was worried about high final gravity, but beer came out tasting fine.
Contemplating a yeast starter to try and help get the FG down. Or maybe I just need to be more patient:)