Rating System

1 - don't waste valuable beer calories on me
2 - tasty, walter approves
3 - so good you should have it for breakfast

Sunday, July 9, 2006


Saison v6
(3 gallons)

8 lbs belgian pilsner
3/4 lb german wheat
1/4 lb belgian aromatic
1 lb cane sugar

1/4 oz tettnang (90 min)
1/4 oz saaz (5 min)

infusion mash at 150 for 90 min

90 min boil

WLP500 trappist ale yeast

1.075 OG on 7/9
1.010 keg on 7/22

1 comment:

MAF said...

Very first all-grain recipe, I went with three gallons because my system couldn't handle the grain for 5.
Beer came out very phenolic tasting, likely due in part to my pitching the yeast at a high temp (90 deg).