Rating System

1 - don't waste valuable beer calories on me
2 - tasty, walter approves
3 - so good you should have it for breakfast

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rhubarb Ale

All Grain 10 gallons
OG 1.044, FG1.010, 4.3%, 14 IBU

6 lbs American 6 row malt
8 lbs wheat malt
2 lbs Dextrine malt

1 oz Fuggles (or Hallertauer) 45 min
1 0z Fuggles (or Hallertauer) 30 min

2 packets dry wheat yeast

Variation 1: 2 lbs rhubarb boiled in 1 cup water, strained to one cup and added to secondary
Variation 2: As above but with 1 lb honey and zest of one orange, boiled and strained

Mash 60 minutes @ 154*
7/3/08 OG 1.030
7/7/08 FG 1.010 Ingredients added
7/19/o8 FG of v.1 1.008, kegged

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