Rating System

1 - don't waste valuable beer calories on me
2 - tasty, walter approves
3 - so good you should have it for breakfast

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fire Lizard Extra Stout

Recipe from Modern Brewer
5 gallons extract

1/2 lb Crystal 120
1/2 lb Chocolate
1/2 lb Flaked Maize
1/4 lb Roast Barley
1/4 lb Carafa III

6.6 lbs Amber LME
1 lb brown sugar

2 oz dried Brewer's Gold (9.4% AA) (60 min.)

Wyeast 1098 British Ale

Pitched 1/7/12 OG 1.060
Kegged 2/18/2012 FG 1.025

Notes: The brown sugar was another new ingredient for me: I've used candi sugar in the Belgian clones before, but not the brown sugar. The OG was a touch under the recommended level but I'm not too bothered: the FG is still likely to be 5.5+%, plenty for a beer on tap in the basement. The initial fermentation kicked off after 24 hours, and has been solid if not incredibly vigorous.

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