Rating System

1 - don't waste valuable beer calories on me
2 - tasty, walter approves
3 - so good you should have it for breakfast

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Gose Great on the Patio

5 gallons extract

2 lbs acidulated wheat

3.3 lbs Pilsen LME
3.3 lbs Wheat DME

1.0 oz Saaz @ 3.0% AA (60 min.)

0.5 oz sea salt (10 min.)
1.0 oz ground coriander (10 min.)

Wyeast 1007 German Ale

Pitched: 6/28/15 OG 1.050
Secondary: 7/3/15 SG 1.018
Kegged: 8/11/15 SG 1.014

Notes: I went light on the salt compared to some of the recipes and will adjust as needed for the secondary/keg phases. The fermentation was very vigorous -- foam coming out the fermentation lock after 24 hours.

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