Rating System

1 - don't waste valuable beer calories on me
2 - tasty, walter approves
3 - so good you should have it for breakfast

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Belgian Dark Strong

Belgian Dark Strong
(5 gallons)

15.0 lbs Valley Malt pilsner malt
0.5 lbs Valley Malt toasted oats
0.5 lbs Valley Malt Special B

2.0 oz Styrian Arora (60 min)
1.0 oz French Strisselspalt (15 min)
1.0 oz French Strisselspalt (2 min)

Wyeast Belgian Strong 1388
Strike temp 165
Infusion mash 152 for 60 min
Sparge 45-50 min, water at 170
60 min boil

1.062 OG on 8/22
55% efficiency
Mash temp seemed good, maybe I'm not using enough water in the mash.  Or the mill still isn't set right??
1.018 secondary on 8/28
1.012 keg on 9/12

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